Repairs and Maintenance

All companies in the GMK Group offer repairs and maintenance in their respective field.

With our comprehensive expertise, we can also provide suggestions for improvements during repairs, for example, in situations where we together with our construction department look at adaptations in the design that will extend the object’s service life.

Repairs are carried out either in our workshops, where we have good capacity to accept large and complex objects, or out in the field when this is preferable. We can also assist our customers with the development, manufacture, planning and stocking of spare parts.

Repairs and maintenance are offered by all companies in the Group.

Contact Person Phone Mobile  
Per-Erik Wideholm
GMK Mechanical
+46 (0) 980-304 11 +46 (0) 70-568 84 19 E-post
Ulf Svanelöv
Rönnquist & Wettainen
+46 (0) 980 187 20
Mattias Videhall
+46 (0) 70 343 49 94 E-post
Christoffer Andersson
GMKAB Västerbotten
+46 (0) 70 358 27 63 E-post
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