Drum Scraper in Polyurethane

This scraper is made from high quality polyurethane, for maximum wear life.

This Drum Scraper is installed at the center of the head pulley. It is a primary scraper which only cleans the tape up to about 80%. It is therefore necessary to use a second drum scraper, i.e. a fixed blade scraper that is installed behind the first blade. All parts adjust themselves as the polyurethane is designed to fit the profile of the head pulley.

The design of the scraper makes replacement and maintenance of the blades quick and easy. The polyurethane is of high quality which gives a reasonable working life. This drum scraper can be installed on conveyors equipped with “clip joints”. Part of this scrape is imported but most parts are produced locally, with an excellent track record. This model is patented in South Africa and in some other countries around the world.

  • Primary scraper suitable for sticky materials
  • Self-adjusting through the material used
  • Low maintenance
  • No moving parts
  • Suitable for conveyor belts where belts of different thicknesses have been merged
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