GMKAB has been hired for an assignment at Olkiluoto nuclear power plant in Eurajoki municipality in Finland. Photo: TVO.
May 31, 2017

GMKAB performs rubber lining at Finnish nuclear power plant

During spring 2017, staff from GMKAB have performed rubber lining of the cooling water system at TVO’s Olkiluoto nuclear power plant in Eurajoki municipality in southwestern Finland.

It is GMKAB’s Finnish business partner Teknikum Oy who owns the contract and who has opted to strengthen its own team with staff from GMKAB. During a week, Adrian Andersson and Andreas Helmersson from GMKAB have performed rubber lining of the cooling water system in Olkiluoto.

Wear and corrosion protection are among GMKAB’s main areas of expertise and the company carries out assignments both in its own workshop and in the field, in this case via a partner.

“We are proud of our participation in this project that sets the highest standards of quality and performance. The work at Olkiluoto nuclear power plant is a good example of how GMKAB’s expertise in rubber lining and corrosion protection can be utilized in major construction and maintenance projects,” said GMKAB’s Site Manager, Anders Lampa.

Olkiluoto nuclear power plant is one of Finland’s two nuclear power stations and is owned and operated by Teollisuuden Voima Oyj (TVO). Finnish nuclear power plants are among the world’s most productive; in 2007, they delivered 28.4 percent of Finland’s electricity and by 2025 the figure is expected to rise to about 60 percent.

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